933 Scam Reports

Fake Project Scam


So, everything started a few days before june. I have been added to a group that was supposed to be created by binance. I ignored it at first but then looked into it and started adding usdt on my trust wallet account ( around the 3rd of june). They were promoting a mining pool supposed to boost the DeFi. They were using big names on their website like binance, kraken and many others. At first i was earning money through the mining but keeping my money in my wallet. Around the 4th of june I applied for the so called vip mining pool. At first everything was going well but then all my usdt have disappeared. At first i was not too scared about it because usually it is how stacking works. The issue has come around the 16th of june when i wanted to withdraw my money but couldn't. They told me that i had to add money to verify my account and that is when i understood that everything was a scam. After that, around the end of the month they all disappeared and closed the website. But recently they tried to add me to another group chat, so the same scam is still going on in all countries.

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Reported Address
Binance Smart Chain logo

For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Fake Project Scam


обменял эфир на zkl на поатформе бнисвап

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Ethereum logo

Fake Project Scam


I wanted to buy pepe unchained coins on presale and i came to SCAM website that took 97,71$ from my Uniswap wallet.

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Fake Project Scam


This is my second report with Chain Abuse. Last July 18th, I sent 1000€ + to Desk Trading Prox for a Copy - Trade agreement. The trader, TRACER that I follow on telegram led me to this broker offering copy-trade. The trader told me that I could deposit and withdraw freely, whenever I would like. After being scammed (my first report) I've decided to make sure that withdrawing is really easy. But it is not. I just cannot withdraw, not even the cumulated profits, as I was told by the support team on the broker site. They say that I should see with the trader, who is no longer answering to my DMs on his private telegram ( t.me/TracerAlpha ) as he used. I'm afraid my funds are trapped and badly need your help to recover them.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Ethereum logo
Reported Address
Ethereum logo
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

Reported Addresses
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Reported Address
Ethereum logo
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Ethereum logo

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Fake Project Scam


I was in a Telegram channel with 300 thousand subscribers, where the author gave a signal to buy a scam token, after the purchase it was impossible to exchange the coin and after noticing that it is a false coin, although the author indicated in the advertisement the original coin, but the links and all the training on the purchase indicates a false one, you can see everything in the screenshots, I contacted binance and uniswap, they said to contact you so that you can help me and cancel the transaction in favor of the scammer, if you need any additional information, I am ready to provide anything, please help, I am new to crypto.

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Fake Project Scam


I became a victim of an online fraud and theft organization via Whatsapp. I was notified of a way to make money with Costco as a cross border e-commerce retail platform. The workbench involved evaluating and rating merchants through a promotional marketing method: Costco Workbench. Once the tasks of rating the merchandise was completed you could withdraw the money earned and deposit into a Cryptocurrency Wallet: MetaMask. Through the site I bought Ethereum and sent it back to the Costco “site” to complete more tasks/daily jobs or missions. The “coach” assigned told me that a worker could get a combination task where the Costco wallet became a negative amount and we had to make up the difference to receive our funds. I was assigned a coach named Evelyn who would direct me along the way and it really seemed legit until I got far in debt and they were never going to give me a pay out as they said would happen. I got sucked in by investing my own money and then kept getting the combination orders going into a negative amount to which the cycle started. I would pay for more Ethereum through MetaMask and send it to the Customer "CS" to complete the task in order to get my money back. Well that never happened and I see now that this was a scam to steal my money. The CS and Coach kept making reasons for why I couldn't get the money and would have to complete more tasks or solutions but had to pay money first. I need help to report this fraud and theft and let other people know of the scam so they do not get sucked into the program like it did. This is a copy of the wallet address used as my account to buy and send the cryptocurrency: 0xd4fA1f1744A4e3DE9ba3210Baa4A1F647A64eb04

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Ethereum logo
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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Project Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

Reported Addresses
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Ethereum logo
Reported Address
Ethereum logo
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

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Fake Project Scam


Azt ígérte ha be fektetek sok pénzt nyerhetek de amikor fizettem összeget,azt mondta még tovább kell fizetnem hogy el küldje nekem a sok pénzt, így mindig vettem Bitcointoot arra a címre fizettem be amit küldött,de nem kaptam meg a pénzt Azt ígérte ha MinDig fizetek el küldi a pénzem de nem így történt és el veszett 300.000 ezer forintom a képekben amiket csatoltam ott minden bizonyíték látható,a tranzakciókról és a beszélgetésről ahogy ígérgetett, hitegettek.

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Bitcoin logo

Fake Project Scam


I noticed that the two coins had absolutely identical charts, then I started checking, and it turned out that it was impossible to withdraw these coins. I began to guess that this was a scam and it seemed to me that these Who are in the Uniswap wallet are also involved in this, because they are still swapping these coins Since, these coins are being sold and the sale is not closed. And it is obvious that this is a scam. And they have most transactions over them Uniswap services.

Reported Address
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

Fake Project Scam


User claimed to be starting a new contract after previous token failed to do well. They claimed that they would take the old tokens, burn them, and issue new ones. They also requested additional ETH to start the new contract. There was no new contract and all funds were just stolen

Reported Address
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

Fake Project Scam


The guy ask me to send 3000€ on cryptocom to buy ethereum than withdraw all this ethereum to his wallet.

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Fake Project Scam


I participated in a pre-sale of the etuktuk token, once the pre-sale is over to claim the tokens it sends us through the platform (x) and through its website: etuktuk.io that we have to virifcate the wallet, in (x) they give us the following address : walflx.pages.dev there we must connect our wallet to verify it and use the manual connection, at that moment they ask us for the 12-word phrase, in my case I entered it. When trying to verify the account it does not connect, then through the network (X) they tell us that we must enter at least 1 BNB so that it can be verified, I did not put that amount because I began to mistrust, but the balance that I had entered in the wallet disappeared to the address that I sent them in a first contact. The lost value of the account is 0.63 BNB, at that time about $365 Thank you very much for your attention, I am aware that the lost amount will not be able to be recovered, but I hope it will be of help to other users, if I have to reconnect the wallet to obtain more information, you can let me know, the address of the The attacked account is as follows: 0x6dAc6C804531158cDab22D8024C46BCf35533604. thank you.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Binance Smart Chain logo
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Reports by Chain

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Backed By
TRM logoSolana logoCircle logoOpensea logoAave logoBinance logoCivic logoHedera logoRasomwhe.re logo