3294 Scam Reports

Fake Returns Scam


This is scam, I lost $521,000 USDT and I was saved through the help of TrackSafe, will recommend anyone to contact for assistance What-app +1 470 581-9683 Teleg: TrackSafe1

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Fake Returns Scam


This is scam, I lost $521,000 USDT and I was saved through the help of TrackSafe, will recommend anyone to contact for assistance What-app +1 470 581-9683 Teleg: TrackSafe1

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Fake Returns Scam


TMUHY7NWziPKLid1bgyCLMb1MHjZgSudBa This is the deposit address of my wallet in TMTNFT app where I deposited 317 USDT. I joined this app on 05 Jan 2025 and got earning on daily basis by buying and selling NFT's but on 14 Jan 2025 app's notification came to update app by depositing 30 USDT, I deposited but on 16 Jan 2025 app stoped and URL of app and Telegram account also deactivated. That time my wallet account balance was 600 USDT approximately.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Tron logo
My deposit address
Reported Domain


Fake Returns Scam


TMUHY7NWziPKLid1bgyCLMb1MHjZgSudBa This is the deposit address of my wallet in TMTNFT app where I deposited 318 USDT. I joined this app on 05 Jan 2024 and got earning on daily basis by buying and selling NFT's but on 14 Jan 2025 app's notification came to update app by depositing 30 USDT, I deposited but on 16 Jan 2025 app stoped and URL of app and Telegram account also deactivated. That time my wallet account balance was 600 USDT approximately.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Tron logo
My deposit address
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Reported Address
Tron logo
My deposit address

+ 1 more

Fake Returns Scam


TKzBpLUg1p6MAMg74MyRDgqjfssVcR3T9Y This is the deposit address of my wallet in TMTNFT app where I deposited 317 USDT. I joined this app on 01 Jan 2025 and got earning on daily basis by buying and selling NFT's but on 14 Jan 2025 app's notification came to update app by depositing 30 USDT, I deposited but on 16 Jan 2025 app stoped and URL of app and Telegram account also deactivated. That time my wallet account balance was 600 USDT approximately.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Tron logo
My deposit address
Reported Domain


Reported Address
Tron logo
My deposit address

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Fake Returns Scam


I was targeted in a cryptocurrency scam after clicking on a Facebook advertisement, which led me to a Telegram channel named BELSIZE CRYPTO INVESTMENTS LLP, operated by an individual with the handle JTR_CRYPTO. The person identified himself as John TRAUBE. After being convinced to invest via MoonPay, I initially transferred £55 worth of Ethereum (ETH). Soon after, I was shown a fabricated balance of £8,733.77 and was coerced into paying additional fees in ETH over a period of four days to unlock the funds. I have now lost a significant amount of money through fraudulent "withdrawal fees" and "taxes," leaving me in severe financial hardship. Despite submitting a fraud report to my bank (Monzo), they have rejected my claim, stating it does not qualify as fraud. I am now seeking urgent assistance to investigate and recover my lost funds.

Reported Addresses
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Ethereum logo
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Ethereum logo

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Fake Returns Scam


The scammer made a video promising insane returns. The video showed simulated transactions that made it seem like he was getting ETH from nowhere. Basically, he asks you to paste some HTML code in onto codebin.io. The code also just simulates transactions to make it seem like things are happening. The code asks you to connect your MetaMask wallet and send your entire balance to this CA: 0x282889e39af4153b7962c3E4c263d3213e1d5621. When I asked him how he was getting all this ETH, he claims it is a MEV bot. He claims you can withdraw at any time and when I couldn't withdraw, he says that the amount is too low and makes up reasons for me to send the CA more ETH. I have the TG chat logs in case the url I provided doesn't work for some reason.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Fake Returns Scam


Daniel Flash Revell acting on behalf of koingains.com used persuasive tactics for me to deposit my bitcoin on the koingains platform and have prevented me from withdrawing my money.

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+ 3 more

Fake Returns Scam


Was able to do a test run with $300, turned to $1200 after a few trades. I repaid the $300, kept the rest, I did a withdrawl, then deposited money. Bought WHA tokens, 20k that I can't sell, I still talk, they need me to deposit more money for the tier 1, 50k, when I tell her I'm tapped out, tells me there is a referral bonus, I refer someone and they deposit a certain amount then I get a bonus. Tells me they are trying to help but I'm to ignorant to accept help. I tell them no friends or family with money, I just get ridiculed. When I mention scam and show some articles, I'm told if it were a scam how would they be doing this so long? So im stuck. Was told March I can sell wha tokens. I try every day, no chance. Please shut scammers down. Thanks.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

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Fake Returns Scam


Sono stata contattata per telefono e mi hanno detto che avevo dei bitcoin bloccati; considerando che ho perso delle cryptovalute poiché il sito litecoin ha chiuso e non sono riuscita a recuperare la password per entrare ho pensato fosse vero. Mi hanno chiesto di trasferire 268,78€ sul mio conto bitcoin bloccato per assicurarmi che la transazione andasse a buon fine e lì ho trasferiti su quello che loro dicevano essere il mio conto bloccato. Dopodiché sono stata contatta Da quello che si è presentato come legale che mi avrebbe aiutato a sbloccare il mio conto. per 3-4 gg mi ha spiegato che i Miners stavano facendo le ricerche e lavorando per sbloccare finché poi mi ha chiesto altro 20€ che ho rifiutato di mandare. lui ha detto che non c’era probema e che potevamo aspettare. Dopo altri 2 gg è arrivata un’email in cui mi hanno chiesto di pagare una commissione di 1.315,15€ per sbloccare il mio conto bitcoin e riceverli sul mio conto Coinbase. a quel punto mi sono fermata e vi ho scritto.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

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Fake Returns Scam


Posted fake video on YouTube of crypto summit with Elon Musk speaking and offering a "once in a lifetime opportunity". Goal is to increase awareness of crypto. YouTube video had QR code to taking you to web site crypto-summit.org. Web site promises immediate doubling of crypto sent to the addresses (for Solana) on the site (supporting BTC, ETH. SOL and XRP.) States you can send only once to each address and that within 5 minutes double what you send would be returned (I know !.) Send crypto to the address and following transaction ends up in account FvK2nTRkqPrsTQZemu75QjJoazZxzQVRzcnTVwR4FDLr. Obviously (now) no crypto is returned. Funds later transferred to 8SfRT2KnQMLzYGhv8rkJFP4Yia33eNVfj7hXKoes6TkW where the received funds are currently.

Reported Addresses and Domains
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Solana logo
Initial account.
Reported Address
Solana logo
Received proceeds
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Fake Returns Scam


I was first contacted on TikTok by a person named Loagin, who claimed to be a professional forex trader with a company where people were making significant profits. They convinced me that I could start trading with just $100, and after some discussion, I agreed. Loagin then directed me to Telegram, where we continued the conversation. They told me to send the $100 payment via Bitcoin, which seemed unusual but was presented as the only payment method. After I sent the money, they informed me that I needed to pay an additional $200 for a “converter” to receive my profits. Since I couldn’t afford the full amount, I negotiated and sent $80 instead. A few days later, they told me that my trade had been completed and I could now withdraw my earnings. However, when the withdrawal date arrived, they claimed that I had “lost a signal” and needed to pay $200 more to recover it and access my funds. After some back-and-forth discussion, we settled on $80, which I paid. Once I sent the money, they told me it was still not enough and that I needed to pay at least another $80 for the company to approve my withdrawal. At this point, I became highly suspicious but continued talking to them, pretending I needed more time to gather the money. After further research, I discovered that another person had contacted me with a similar investment offer, and their website closely resembled the one used in this scam. This confirmed that I had fallen victim to fraud. I am now certain this is a scam operation, and I would like to report it for further investigation. I have collected evidence, including: • The scammer’s TikTok username • Their Telegram username • Their website • Their Discord username • A WhatsApp number listed on their website (which does not work) • Their email address • Screenshots of our chats showing how they carried out the scam Please investigate this matter, as they are likely scamming others using the same methods.

Reported Addresses and Domains
Reported Address
Bitcoin logo
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Reported Address
Bitcoin logo

+ 5 more

Fake Returns Scam


SCAM REPORT: Fraudulent Crypto Investment Website “dogecoin-usdt.vip” 1. Scam Website Details • Website Name: Dogecoin-USDT • Website URL: https://dogecoin-usdt.vip • Website Type: Fake cryptocurrency investment platform • Scam Type: Fraudulent Dogecoin (DOGE) & USDT trading and investment scheme • Tactics Used: • Posed as a legitimate Dogecoin/USDT investment platform • Required users to deposit funds to participate in “quantitative trading” • Prevented withdrawals unless additional deposits were made • Promised reimbursement after 30 days, but funds disappeared 2. Description of the Scam I fell victim to this fraudulent website after being lured into believing it was a legitimate investment platform for Dogecoin and USDT. 1. I initially deposited $3,000, expecting to invest in cryptocurrency as advertised on the platform. 2. When I attempted to withdraw my funds, the platform demanded that I deposit an additional $6,000 before allowing any withdrawals. 3. After questioning this requirement, I was told that my initial deposit would be reimbursed after 30 days. 4. After waiting for 30 days, I logged into my account and discovered that all my assets had disappeared, and my funds were no longer accessible. 5. The platform had effectively stolen my money, proving it to be a Ponzi-style scam designed to trick users into depositing funds while preventing withdrawals. 3. Requested Actions I urge authorities and cybersecurity teams to take the following actions: ✅ Blacklist and shut down the website “dogecoin-usdt.vip” to prevent further scams. ✅ Flag the domain as a scam across major browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.). ✅ Investigate and trace the stolen funds to identify the scammers behind this fraudulent operation. ✅ Warn the crypto community about this scam to prevent more victims.

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Fake Returns Scam


Hello, On the the 26th of May, I discovered that I sent all these crypto to my friend which unfortunately I discovered recently that his is involved in fraudulent activities. Here is the summary of the case: On the 12th of April 2023, I was contacted by my friend of childhood Mohamad Hamidi Sakr on Facebook. On the 12th of April 2023 at 8;33 PM, he told how are you and if you have a Wassup number, contact me on Wassup. I have contacted him on Wassup (+961 3 244 240) )and he explained me that his Belarusian wife stole him and left him, and he has no more money in his hands. He told me that he doesn’t have money to eat and he lives on the street, and that he needs some money to het an hotel room. I sent him 300 CAD via Western Union ( MTCN 4368621901 12/04/23 21:33:16 ET) to help him on that. On the 14th of April at 12:33 PM he called and asked me if I own a crypto account, I said yes and he explained me that he has a crypto cold wallet in Belarus that it is in the possession of his ex-wife, and that he needs to pay someone in order to arrest his ex-wife and get back the cold wallet from her hands, so he asked for 1400 CAD worth of Turkish Lira since he was in Turkey, so I sent him 1400 CAD via Western Union (MTCN 0244667136 14/04/23 09:28:22 ET). After that, he told me that the person got the cold wallet from his ex-wife and sent it to a third party company and that the cold wallet has a total of 11.9 BTC worth 362700 USD in it, and he needs fees to withdraw his BTC from his cold walled to his wallet account on Binance, and that his cold wallet is in the hands of a third party, and that he needs to pay them fees in crypto in order for them to withdraw the BTC from his cold wallet to my crypto account, and after that I send him the BTCs to his Binance account and I keep a 12700 USD worth of BTC as a small gift since I helped him. On 14th of April at 14:00, I sent him 1939.87 USDT via PayBis ( Invoice PB2304529610TX51 to address of Mohamed Sakr TYbXsbWwUn3kCQRi3LqR2efkKUgtGAgtXp ) as the first transaction for fees for the third party After that, he told me that the address I provided is a north American address from Binance and the transaction failed to my binance account, and we need o pay the fees again. From 15th April to 18th May, I sent him several transactions in crypto with of 85k usdt (I also got 3 loans in order to get that amount) On the 19th of April, he told me that the third Party gave him his cold wallet and he went to a crypto store in Northern Cyprus in order to transfer the BTC from his cold wallet to a ledger of the store and he needs fees for that, so I sent him the fees in crypto.

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Tron logo

For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Fake Returns Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

Reported Addresses
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Reported Address
Ethereum logo
Reported Address
Ethereum logo

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Reports by Chain

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Backed By
TRM logoSolana logoCircle logoOpensea logoAave logoBinance logoCivic logoHedera logoRasomwhe.re logo