On the the 26th of May, I discovered that I sent all these crypto to my friend which unfortunately I discovered recently that his is involved in fraudulent activities.
Here is the summary of the case:
On the 12th of April 2023, I was contacted by my friend of childhood Mohamad Hamidi Sakr on Facebook.
On the 12th of April 2023 at 8;33 PM, he told how are you and if you have a Wassup number, contact me on Wassup.
I have contacted him on Wassup (+961 3 244 240) )and he explained me that his Belarusian wife stole him and left him, and he has no more money in his hands. He told me that he doesn’t have money to eat and he lives on the street, and that he needs some money to het an hotel room. I sent him 300 CAD via Western Union ( MTCN 4368621901 12/04/23 21:33:16 ET) to help him on that.
On the 14th of April at 12:33 PM he called and asked me if I own a crypto account, I said yes and he explained me that he has a crypto cold wallet in Belarus that it is in the possession of his ex-wife, and that he needs to pay someone in order to arrest his ex-wife and get back the cold wallet from her hands, so he asked for 1400 CAD worth of Turkish Lira since he was in Turkey, so I sent him 1400 CAD via Western Union (MTCN 0244667136 14/04/23 09:28:22 ET). After that, he told me that the person got the cold wallet from his ex-wife and sent it to a third party company and that the cold wallet has a total of 11.9 BTC worth 362700 USD in it, and he needs fees to withdraw his BTC from his cold walled to his wallet account on Binance, and that his cold wallet is in the hands of a third party, and that he needs to pay them fees in crypto in order for them to withdraw the BTC from his cold wallet to my crypto account, and after that I send him the BTCs to his Binance account and I keep a 12700 USD worth of BTC as a small gift since I helped him.
On 14th of April at 14:00, I sent him 1939.87 USDT via PayBis (
Invoice PB2304529610TX51 to address of Mohamed Sakr TYbXsbWwUn3kCQRi3LqR2efkKUgtGAgtXp ) as the first transaction for fees for the third party
After that, he told me that the address I provided is a north American address from Binance and the transaction failed to my binance account, and we need o pay the fees again.
From 15th April to 18th May, I sent him several transactions in crypto with of 85k usdt (I also got 3 loans in order to get that amount)
On the 19th of April, he told me that the third Party gave him his cold wallet and he went to a crypto store in Northern Cyprus in order to transfer the BTC from his cold wallet to a ledger of the store and he needs fees for that, so I sent him the fees in crypto.