38155 Scam Reports

Other: Discord phishing scam


in order to get test tokens in the somnia network, a “bot” in discord asked to reconnect the wallet, sent a website where I unfortunately entered my secret phrase after which the money was stolen

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Other: BlackMewa click task sca


I came across an opportunity that seemed legitimate and promising. It was a website called BlackMewa, which offered tasks that would supposedly earn me commissions. Initially, everything seemed to work fine, and I even made about $600. However, things took a turn for the worse when I was introduced to "combo tasks" that required me to deposit more money to unlock higher commissions. All deposit transactions were required to be converted into crypto, with BTC most often used. I was assigned a mentor named Amelia, who guided me through the process and even "lent" me money to reach the required thresholds. Unfortunately, I now realize that this was all part of the scam. They manipulated the numbers to make it look like I was making progress, but in reality, I was being deceived. The scam escalated to the point where I was required to deposit $60,000 to withdraw my earnings. This broke me, and I finally realized the extent of the scam.

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Other: Psychic reading scam


This person approached me on Tik Tok, impersonating another content creator (I did not realize at the time), offering to do a psychic reading for 20 dollars. After doing the reading she informed me she needed to do a spell for me to break a curse that has been following me. She said this would cost 40 dollars. For another 60 she offered to help with my romantic issues. I was skeptical but I’ve been going through a lot so I agreed. the next day she told me she needed 20 more dollars for a crystal for the spell. I paid this but told her I could not pay any more. She seemed to understand but then came back saying there was some thing the ancestors were telling her about my children and that she was going to pray for them. I said please do not do anything that will cost me. The next day she came back claiming I owed her 150 dollars for my children and another 75 for myself. I told her cancel everything, that I am not paying over 400 dollars for what increasingly seemed like a scam and then I blocked her. Yesterday she came back threatening to kill me and my children if I don’t pay her “What I owe”.

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Other: Send crypto get double b


Hello, I would like to report about the scammers. Last night a was scammed by the promissing live stream on youtube. After I did the payment just when understand that I was scammed. I was promised to get double money. I sent 600 xrp  to this wallet: Adress:  af5V2ekSo1dB33RJc245GFEfW3Y3puJdh  DT: 777777 Tx hash: FB850E0E94D74BC1A60746E7553C6346A51A128109503EA2136DBD28CA091E05  If I trace a wallets address, can see that was sent or activated by this wallet on Kraken: rNuEKQgSBg5LqXQSvDup2uCsjnsYr3qyap Please try to save my money, stop forward transactions. If you need any information please do not hesitate to contact me. My email: [email protected] My phone: +37063813682 Thank you in advance

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Other: Stolen Funds


These are the Titan Coins(similar to Casacius) that were stolen during the transit to me via UPS Next day air and were stolen from IAD distribution center.

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Other: Stoled money


In Uniswap wallet I'm receive info about gain tokens from get-shell.xyz. i'm approve gas fee for receive tokens, but istead my usdt has stolen

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Other: https://lazada.czruifa.c


I met Sebastian through a dating app, and everything seemed normal at first. We talked about the future, and he told me he was originally from the UK but had moved to the USA to work for Phillips 66. He claimed, “I work in strategy and operations, overseeing the development of long-term strategies and yearly operations based on research and qualitative and quantitative data. In addition to that, I run an online store to make extra cash.” Eventually, he suggested that I should open my own online store, assuring me that he would help me with everything. He first asked me to deposit $400 to get started. After setting up the store, I added as many items as possible. Suddenly, I received two orders, both worth $20,000. Sebastian told me that I needed to deposit money to process the orders because, as my “guarantor,” his store would be at risk of being shut down if I didn’t. Trusting him, I added funds from my Bitcoin wallet. Then, as more orders came in—five in total—he kept insisting that I needed to deposit more money to complete the transactions. Eventually, I ran out of funds and couldn’t deposit any more. At this point, I was told that I would receive the money for the processed and delivered orders only if I added more money to my account. I checked my store balance, which showed $18,000, but when I tried to withdraw it to my Bitcoin wallet, I received an error message stating that I couldn’t transfer any funds unless I first processed the remaining orders.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Other: Tokens transferred

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Other: Scam trading signals


He has a fake/scam trading signal service - to join his plans min is £300 - i paid this by 1.8 Sol to the above wallet - he then springs on me that i have to pay 500 for a security deposit which i eventually paid 518 USDC to the above wallet - after reluctantly paying this, he then goes on to ask me for a further 500 saying that it is both the commission fee he is due & also that it is the required tax ??!! This is a complete scam service and he refuses to pay me the agreed profits nor is he willing to refund me any money - I dont know what token id's are but if needed please ask me - also my attachment of the entire telegram conversation showing all scams/requests for monies etc could not upload properly so may not be attached - please request this from me as i can send in a separate email. Thanks

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Other: Membership Card


Scammer impersonating George Strait and scamming people with fake membership card. his payment method is bitcoin and gift cards

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Other: Criminal Piracy


To Whom It May Concern, I wish to report a criminal piracy group, Liber3.eth.limo, indexing / providing access to Springer Nature copyrighted materials without authorization or license agreement from the copyright owner. The infringing group Liber3.eth.limo was found to be associated with the ETH wallet 0x37d0dfD6a0A502cBC7b992Cf74eeB3d1F1eaf01b, which received a direct transaction from UniswapX address 0x6000da47483062A0D734Ba3dc7576Ce6A0B645C4 (via Chainalysis). Transaction ID: 0x63c80b52fe5abceb9cb798d2170f7ebc264120d8fa7c17458bbb693337216341 Examples of infringing Springer Nature content on liber3.eth.limo can be identified via “Springer” or “Apress” keywords (publishing brands) or by searching for the below titles on liber3.eth.limo. 1. Apress Pro Python System Administration 2nd : liber3.eth.limo/#/search?q=apress 2. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology: liber3.eth.limo/#/search?q=springer Original Links / Copyright Information: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-0217-3 https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-540-29857-1 I have a good faith belief that use of the materials in the manner complained of is not authorized by Springer Nature, its agent or the law (DMCA). The information in this notice is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I as the complaining party am authorized to act on behalf of the rights owner. Could you please investigate and blacklist the address 0x37d0dfD6a0A502cBC7b992Cf74eeB3d1F1eaf01b? Thank you, Springer Nature Anti-Piracy

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Other: Estafa de verificación


Esta persona, haciéndose llamar Mía Villarreal presentándose como agente del departamento gubernamental de la Unión Europea, Cicer Justice. se pone en contacto conmigo para ayudarme a recuperar mi dinero estafado Diciendo que se ha localizado en el Blockchain. Me ingresan en mi cuenta de Coinbase un dinero haciéndome creer que este era mi dinero y que para retirarlo debía hacer seis ingresos para una verificación estos ingresos eran una estafa y se los dos primeros y me negué a hacer los siguientes. Y por supuesto se quedaron con el dinero que había ingresado lo pudieron retirar porque accedieron a mis palabras clave cuando me ayudaron a abrir las aplicaciones de y de Crypto.com,sin darme yo cuenta

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Other: Contact on telegram


I asked in a telegram group for help with transferring one token to another. I got an answer that seemed to come from a trusted person, but it was not the right person. She directed me to a site so that I could connect my wallet. The site seemed legitimate to me, but... I was not suspicious and I put the passphrase of my wallet. What a mistake. :( Update : While I was creating a new wallet, it finished withdrawing before I could transfer what I had left. Total : 2300$

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Other: Exchange Scam


Now they changed the website ,i submitted a report earlier with the app-coin.com name website . but i couldn't update that report as that was posted using guest submit,

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Other: ledger was compromised


I transferred crypto into my ledger live account; I have never lost my ledger or compromised by seed phrase on a phone or computer. After receiving crypto into my accounts the ledger asked for my seed phrase, not the computer, the ledger unit itself, so I inputed it into the ledger. The next day all my crypto was stolen/sent out of my account. I have no idea how the ledger device got infected. I only used it once prior to last time.

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Reports by Chain

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