502 Scam Reports

Pigbutchering Scam


Girl had me trading on this platform and she disappeared with my money.

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Pigbutchering Scam


I met the person on a dating platform. We spoke in long and still do, this morning I go to to check the website where i send the BTC to and it's down... From the very first time they brought up investing and crypto investing specifically, I have to admit I was a little turned off, especially with how adamant they were being. but since the amount was only 150 which they advised me to invest, i figured at the end of the day what's 150 in order to try and make some real money and get myself out of the terrible financial situation that i find myself in. So i decided to trust this person. However, the number only kept rising, as I was told I couldn't invest in the proper nodes which required funds upwards of 500 or even 1000. When I checked the fake coinmarket site that they have me deposit funds to today, the site was down, that's when i truly realized that it was 100% a scam. I am currently trying to get my money back by talking to the same person. I told her that i found a new way to deposit money into the account, but i need to make a goodwill transfer in the amount of at least $200 into a coinbase account, then i can add $1000 to metacoin to make biggers trades. I figure it's worth a shot, I can tell she was getting upset however as she kept insisting that i withdraw a smaller amount (i say withdraw but we both know now that what i mean is for her to send me the money to me wealthsimple wallet ID). I insisted that I need the full amount in order to complete the amount in $1000 so we can continue to trade and make more money.. I doubt it's going to work but she will message me back after "work" apparently lmao. I feel very stupid, more than usual, in addition to the initial $150 deposit, i added $20, and i went and added another $150 about a week ago. so I am now down $320 CAD. Oh well, i should've trusted my gut I suppose, i doubt she will send me back the money now so there will be no way to retrieve it.

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Pigbutchering Scam


Crypto dating app scam. They have my drivers license number and bank account information

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Pigbutchering Scam


The website is https://www.fidelitpp.com/wap/#/home. They claim to be a crypto trading site. They offer bonus opportunities whereby you earn extra crypto by completing certain activities within an allotted time. However, they freeze your assets while this activity is taking place and threaten to take legal action if you do not complete the activity in the allotted time frame. Here are copies of responses from tech support: Hello, once the activity is booked successfully, it cannot be cancelled or changed. Please make sure to complete it in time. Thank you! Hello, if you fail to complete the agreed cumulative recharge activities within the specified time, it will be considered a breach of contract, your account will be frozen, and you will not be able to withdraw funds from the account. At that time, your personal credit will be affected. If the overdue situation is serious, our judicial department will investigate and judge. Thank you! I have attempted to withdraw my funds and all attempts have been denied.

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Pigbutchering Scam


"Anna Johnson" reached out to me on Facebook in mid May. Started to chat to develop a friendship, then told me how she's a day trader with Crypto. Invited me to join her one day, so I downloaded the iPhone App called "Coinrate" (website: crateis.vip). To first get money into the Coinrate platform, a purchase of bitcoin (or ether) was made using the Cash App for a small sum ($100). The bitcoin or ether was then deposited into Coinrate where it would appear and could be short-term traded. She would guild me through the trades (either short or long bitcoin or ether price, for a small duration of time) that would be highly profitable. For the first couple of trades (on different days), I would "cash out" from the Coinrate app to my Crypto.com wallet and then into my bank. She obviously did this to build my trust in the process and App. She never directly controlled the deposit and withdraw process (though, of course, they have complete control of Coinrate...). Then she convinced me over weeks of conversation to invest more and more. Two larger transactions were for $50k each, that was wired into Crypto.com and then sent – using ether – to Coinrate where we invested some more. Keeping the funds in Coinrate so we could "build capital". Then, after a lot of conversation (her trying to convince me that the time was now to invest and that I could profit much more with a greater capital), my savings of $570,000 was invested by wiring $100K, (2) $200K, and $70K chunks either to Crypto.com or STRIKE; which was then sent to Coinrate. These larger transactions happened on June 18th and 21st. After that, she told me to "join" a campaign on Coinrate that would reward a 3% rebate for depositing $1 million in funds. Not realizing that by "joining" this campaign my funds would be frozen from withdraw. I tried to withdraw but they wouldn't let me of course. Then she tried to convince me to take a home equity loan... I knew something was wrong. I recently read an article on "pig butchering" and realized I had been caught up in the same thing... I am still in touch with Anna via her cell phone 786 498 0116. She has had phone conversations and video chats with me. AND she wanted me to visit her this Friday, July 12th in Miami, FL where she "lives". She was going to pick me up at the airport. Obviously, I've told her I'm not coming but I've tried to keep the conversation status quo for the meantime. She knows I'm upset about not withdrawing my money and she's offered to "help" by depositing $100K of her "own", but of course I have to deposit the remaining $150K before I "finish" the campaign. I have pictures of her, but I have found from google image searches that she has used many pictures from other X or instagram accounts. The pictures of herself are verifiable as coming from the same phone given there are small pink shards observed in every picture – a common problem on older iphone cameras...

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Pigbutchering Scam


Classic "task job" pig butchering scam.

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For security reasons and to protect investigations, this report is currently only shared with Law Enforcement Partners.

Pigbutchering Scam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce pellentesque vulputate iaculis. Integer lacus sapien, auctor quis nisi non, pulvinar accumsan ligula. Vivamus quis odio ut est iaculis lobortis ut eu leo. Nam mattis varius gravida. Vivamus aliquet vestibulum ex et rutrum. Mauris eu tempor mi, ac porttitor magna. Etiam id fermentum orci, et malesuada lacus. Morbi facilisis malesuada hendrerit. Fusce eu magna auctor, fringilla libero eget, sodales elit.

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Pigbutchering Scam


Natürlich, hier ist die Übersetzung ins Englische: --- I am a victim of an internet fraud through Tinder involving cryptocurrency, resulting in a loss of approximately 8,900 euros. The fraudsters tricked me into investing money in cryptocurrencies. The fraudulent website is still online: [https://www.neweraiscoming.site/pc/main](https://www.neweraiscoming.site/pc/main). The following wallet addresses and transactions are involved: 1. Wallet address (Bybit, TRC20): TW9i3nvrB7jvEihxyeVWr9nNCW3g382M4o - Transaction a) ID: 40001c35669f8c245d5d67aff2c9513a519391b6ff6eeb67f452718472f77b53 - Transaction b) ID: 2b1e02b76977ce72e75b08ac18bc775a2d533a14fff3fac77fb5d413cacbcd80 - Transaction c) ID: 09b0c36880501a8e0a73d4c5240497fa523f4c50da00bccb7484cade3ae3eb2a - Transaction d) ID: f6297b4f2c0ce8cc2542f4142a6c87883be6313ccf40b004947ff60dcb1c77ba 2. Wallet address (MetaMask, ERC20): 0x3c3981a3d8D0b5539A75176479cee66e46cc9721 - Transaction e) ID: 0x5ca4ab83ed53ced011bcf2bf9c4894670a7cd8a3cbdeff7fbfedf9fe6fe88e61 I am requesting help because part of the money was borrowed. I was manipulated and deceived. The project I invested in through Bybit and MetaMask is expected to end on 20.07. Since you are familiar with this type of fraud, I am keeping this brief and am available for further information. --- Let me know if you need any more adjustments or additional information!

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Pigbutchering Scam


I was message by this person on Twitter. We started a online relationship that moved on to the Telegram platform. From then she started to share how she was able to make large amounts of profit from trading with gold exchange with crypto. She sent me a link to use that later on I found out that it was a clone of a platform based in South Korea. After that I started what I thought was investing turned out to be just me sending money to a fake wallet. After awhile of trying to get my money back from the platform and sending money to pay off fees and taxes, I realized that I was being scammed.

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Pigbutchering Scam


lost $21000CAD in total. On May 21, I was victim of a Bitcoin scam for $1000. I researched online for ways to recover stolen bitcoin and came across a website called BEST REFUND INC. the website claimed to help vic of crypto to recover stolen funds. It had a form to fill out to request to be contacted. So I filled out the form and the next day a woman by the name of Emily Donkov called me and said that she works for the company I had filled out the form online and she was calling me to help me recover my bitcoin and educate me on how to safely invest in crypto so that I don’t fall prey to another crypto scam. She instructed me to download metamask from App Store and google authenticator app. she said she would call me after two days to confirm the Result of their investigation on my last bitcoins. on May 23rd, she called with good news. her company recovered my stolen $1000CAD bitcoin . They were found on the blockchain. She converted The bitcoin to etherium and transferred it to my metamask wallet. What I did not realize was that the metamask wallet on a the sepolia test network instead of etherium main networks but since I had uploaded metamask from App Store i thought it was a legitimate app. Once she transferred the recovered crypto to the metamask wallet she had helped me download and set up. She strongly encouraged me to buy more crypto.so I started with $1000CAD that I e-transfères from my RBC bank account to crypto.com app -she instructed me to buy etherium then transferred it to my metamask wallet ( now I realized that the wallet was on the sepolia test network instead of etherium network). Then she called me back two days later and recommended to add $5000 to make a bigger return so I again etransfered $5000CA from my bank account to crypto.com the from crypto.com to my metamask. I made another $8000 deposit. at this point i was $15000 CAD in and the money in metamask seem to be growing at First then all of a sudden I started to lose. That is when she called me on June 14th and said that crypto prices were going down and that it was time to withdraw to avoid losing everything. She said since I had staked my etherium I was not allowed to withdraw with a$15000 deposit I needed to increase it to $20000CAD. I said I did not have the money. She said she d help me and put in $2000CAD and I could come up with another $3000CAD so I did. Then she instructed me to withdraw $21000CAD the total balance. Her instructions were to transfer the balance from metamask ( keep in mind I was on sepolia network) to crypto.com app- then I waited for about 15 minutes and the money never showed up on crypto.com app then she said CRA had blocked because it was a large transaction and that I needed a small $3500CAD transaction to bridge the transaction. so I etransfered my last $3500 CAD to crypto then metamask and that when s All the transactions were done with my own metamask wallet that she helped me create 0x885011dbE1CEED71afe27e4Fb3b92c6858003b20

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Pigbutchering Scam


Hi, I am a victim of Classic Pig Butchering Scam from Adelaide, Australia. I let my guard down and lost my life savings unfortunately, within 20 days in June 2022. It was an amount of $2,14,700, my life savings. Scammer befriended me via Facebook and chatted with me via whatsapp for few days, then lured and got me to send money from my Australian bank account via Binance Australia (after converting dollars into USDT coins on Binance) to a fake crypto trading platform which was taken down right after scamming me (coindouble.top), and taxes etc. They blocked all my coins soon after when I tried to withdraw and took the site down. Scammer name is Vera Pootskaya who is still active on Facebook and they have done nothing about it. My case was reported to Police and all other agencies here in Australia but they stopped investigation stating scammers are overseas and they don't have jurisdiction to go after them. They were traced to China and Hong Kong as per local police. Pretty sure they are part of the Chinese Organized Crime syndicate operating from south east asia. Scammer engaged me in 3 min trades to make it seem like my money was growing exponentially. They even had a chat customer care services. The whole platform looked real and they even did KYC when I joined coindouble.top I lost my life savings and have 2 small kids with a big mortgage. Please help me trace and recover my money. It's been a while and I suspect it may be possible that money may have already been recovered via various seizure missions by various agencies mainly FBI. I have seen multiple such reports. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/yournextsolutionist_lawenforcement-europe-partnerships-activity-7212118737003372544-2OqT?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop Happy to share any further details, if you need.

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Pigbutchering Scam


A Crypto-Ponzi Investment Fraud performed by an overseas online crime syndicate and a fake crypto business model was used by cyber criminals to take advantage of how the public don’t really understand crypto currencies and the blockchain. ·       Websites changing names every 3-6 months. ·       Constantly demanding payments to cover fake taxes. ·       Refusal to pay back funds. ·       Approaching victims online in meet up apps (Pig butchering) ·       Employing South Asians to connect with people using false profile photos. ·       Washing funds in a crypto mixer popular with criminals (based on previous cases. ·       Videos calls suspected to be using AI deep fake programmed with a suspicious female’s photo. ·       Links found to several recent pig butchering cases. ·       Multiple false names used. ·       Virtual numbers used that can be operated from anywhere. ·       Email  [email protected] shows a 90% fraud score based on machine learning by IPQS fraud detection engineers. Company registration Our investigators did not find any corporation registered in the United States and other countries with the name of SpreadExFx and the website did not indicate where the company was legally registered. We further noticed there was a similar named British company, www.spreadex.com, involved in sports betting that appeared to be unrelated to the SpreadExFx platform. According to www.spreadexfx.com, SpreadEx Exchange, Inc. is responsible for the website. Upon our research, SpreadEx Exchange, Inc. is not incorporated in any jurisdiction. Spreadexfx .com shows no IP available and no longer in use. Web archives shows some snapshots of the website from 2023 that leads to a contact QR code. The QR code is no longer active. Spreadexforex .com IP tracked to Singapore anonymous hosting providers. Spreadefx was noted to have web resolutions to Hong Kong, this is Spreadexfx using Hong Kong Alibaba webservers.

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Pigbutchering Scam


My Transaction is recorded here: https://basescan.org/tx/0x09a33d29847cb5ad7ce7840f3d4baa0a8c7e5b2bbfbdcab21b5d2be858be051d

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Pigbutchering Scam


This was a refund scam. They had taken over my account. Theyvpretentedbto be working with my personal bank account. They tried to take out numerous other funds. I reached out to all banking and crypto accounts immediately but nothing could be done. A report was made to the authorities regarding the situations. The company was called "Best Refund Inc" and I was working with a man called Owen Kozark.

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Pigbutchering Scam


Try to be a famouse youtube creater and want money to support her. The true creator has an own patreon channel and would not write private on facebook with an fake ID. the creator is also not 44

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